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The K-State Salina Library has an HP Designjet Z3200 large-format printer, which does an excellent job of printing posters for research conferences. You will need to follow several rules to make effective use of this printer and the time of library staff:

  • Poster requests must be received by the library 48 hours before you need them. Bear in mind that before large meetings there are many print jobs to be serviced, and the early bird gets the worm.

  • All poster requests must be made using the form below or include a completed printable request form, specifying, among other things, which faculty member and which account is responsible for the charges.

  • Source files for posters to be printed can be attached using the form below, be emailed to or hand delivered to the library on a flash drive.

  • The file must be in Acrobat (pdf) format. Other formats do not print reliably.

  • The size properties of the poster must have one side of the page set for 36” or 42", depending on the type of paper requested. Example sizes would include 36"x48", 24"x36", 42"x48", and 30"x42". Please specify the size of your poster in the "Poster Size" field of the form below.

  • The resolution should be 300 dpi.

  • Cost and size of paper is as follows:

*Any unclaimed posters will result in a hold for the amount of the poster on the patron's Library or KSIS account. 

Questions? Please contact

Lisa Shappee

Library Director


111 Technology Center

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